Olivia, a special needs kitty, is very sweet, loving and gentle with big purrs.
She was diagnosed with cutaneous asthenia (Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome). It is a genetic
connective tissue disorder characterized by a collagen defect. Olivia’s skin is fragile and
tears very easily.
Olivia wears plastic claw caps and a cone to protect her skin. She’s under the care of a
holistic veterinarian who has given her Phovia-Light treatments, a topical for her skin
and a vitamin supplement. Shortly, she’ll begin her Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)
Her fur is growing back and regaining its sheen. There isn’t a medical protocol for this
condition, however through her current treatments and care she’s improving and her
skin is free of tears.
For more information contact Gloria at 310-722-1974.
There is a GoFundMe campaign currently to help cover the costs of her treatments. Please consider making a donation. Thank you!

About Us
Our History
PURRfect Partners was formed in 1998 by two cat lovers from the South Bay area of Los Angeles. The current executive director, Debbie Harder, with the help of a few devoted volunteers, continue to rescue, foster and place hundreds of cats and kittens in wonderful new homes.
PURRfect Partners helps to educate the public about proper cat care, and how spaying and neutering saves lives by reducing the number of unwanted and homeless animals.
We believe our work makes a difference in our South Bay community, bringing people together to care for and consider the welfare of cats and other animals.
Our volunteers foster approximately 50 cats at any given time, providing the care, training and security necessary to get them ready for adoption. These include newborns, kittens, cats with disabilities, senior cats and those with other special needs.